Astrophytum asterias

Astrophytum asterias

Friday 12 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted offsets 3

This Geohintonia mexicana was also grafted last spring.
I just could take 1 offset in this season.
I sowed seeds in 2006 initially, and keep several plants but I have not seen any flowers yet.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted offsets 2

This is a grafted offset of Aztekium ritteri onto Pereskiopsis.
I grafted 4 offsets last October.
It has been growing vigorously and pushing many offsets up.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted offset

The body tissue of an offset is harder than that of seedlings.
An offset of Aztekium is hard especially.
You need pressure onto the scion when you grafted a hard offset normally but I found you do not need any pressure for these scions if you used Pereskiopsis as the stock.
I grafted 7 of Aztekium hintonii offsets in October last year.
The success rate of the grafting will be lower than seedling but it will be high enough if you use more than 10 mm diameter.
The photo is 1 of them, 40 mm diameter currently.

Monday 8 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedlings 10

This scion is an Ariocarpus retusus v major cv Daruma royal.
I grafted 24 seedlings in November last year.
Since they were grafted a bit late, the body size is smaller than others.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedlings 9

This one is also less than 1 years old.
I grafted 24 of  Arocarpus kotschoubeyanus seedlings last spring.
All of them were in flower in the autumn.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedlings 8

Small type of Ariocarpus will be in flower within a year if seedlings were grafted.
This fissuratus v intermedius is one of them.
I grafted 24 seedlings last October.
The plant on the photo was in flower several times in this autumn.

Friday 5 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedling 7

The photo is a grafted Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Seiji.
I grafted 24 seedlings last spring.
The formation of thick white hair is affected by the grafting.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedling 6

Grafted seedlings grow quite rapidly if you sowed seeds early spring and could use growing season fully.
The photo is an Ariocarpus retusus v furfuraceus cv Suguri-cauliflower.
I sowed seeds in July and grafted 24 seedlings in September last year.
The current size is around 7 cm in diameter.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedling 5

It seems various theories for positive/negative genes of the crossing cacti.
I have been still not sure mother or father genes to work positively for children.

Yesterday's post was Hanazono kabuto x red flowering asterius but today's one is red flowering asterias x Hanazono kabuto.
I have grafted 12 of each.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Cactus / Grafted seedlings 4

I have tried to crate a red flowering hanazono kabuto.
The photo is Hanazono kabuto x red flowering asterias, grafted last spring.
I assume I could see flowers next spring.